
United Scripts is continuously engaged in the process of improving internal processes and procedures. One key element of our continuous improvement initiatives is that of pharmacy workflow improvements.

To aid us in this process, United Scripts has invested in a document management system called DocuTrack. Specifically designed to solve the document management needs of pharmacies, this state of the art workflow system enables United Scripts to organize, route and retrieve documents faster and more accurately.

DocuTrack is proven to provide better overall pharmacy service, faster processing and superior communication:

  • Immediate Information Retrieval
  • Enhanced Personal Service
  • Faster Order Processing
  • Streamlined Communication
  • Greater Reliability
  • Reduced Errors
  • More On-Time Deliveries
  • Higher Level Of Security


Medication Regimen Review Solution

United Scripts has invested heavily in its technology to deliver quality pharmacy services at the lowest possible cost. To achieve this goal, United Scripts has invested in RxPertise, a leading Medication Regimen Review (MRR) software for consultant pharmacists in the Long Term Care industry.

This software allows our pharmacy to efficiently manage the utilization, outcomes, and reporting requirements for the residents/patients being cared for in skilled nursing, assisted living and extended care facilities. RxPertise provides instant access to clinical drug information and drug interactions, along with the following features:

  • Improved user control with importing of pharmacy dispensing data.
  • Enhanced user interface with customizable data grids and a “full view” of all resident data.
  • Report customizations and an advanced reporting engine.


Optimizes Medication Management Process

United Scripts also employs the TCGRx ATP® system. TCGRx ATP® is designed to optimize the medication management process and enable improved patient care, along with increased cost savings.

The benefits of the TCGRx ATP® solution are many, but for our work with skilled nursing and other long term care facilities the following are three (3) key benefits of the system:

1) Saves Nursing Time

The TCGRx ATP® facilitates medication administration with easy-to-open unit dose and multi-dose packaging. The device fosters compliance and convenience because every package can be clearly labeled with drug name, strength and description; and if desired, patient name and administration time.

2) Speed the Cart-Fill, Automated Dispensing Cabinet or Nurse Server Replenishment Process

The TCGRx ATP® can automate up to 100% of oral solid prescription medications, which represent the majority of doses in an average hospital pharmacy.

3) Affordable Barcoding at the Point of Care

Dispensing oral solids with barcodes is a critical first step toward implementing bedside verification. The TCGRx ATP®, coupled with the optional Barcoding Station, brings you a surprisingly affordable 100% barcoding solution.


Request A Consultation

Ready to revolutionize your pharmacy services?

Request a consultation for an in-depth analysis of your facility and pharmacy needs. We are confident that we are able to exceed your expectations.

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